a) Life Members: Any person who meets the requirements set out in Article III (1), who pays
the Association’s life membership fee and who has not been disqualified from membership of
the Association shall be considered to be a life member of the Association.
Life members shall be a principle backbone of the SLNGA, therefore, they will have a great
degree of responsibilities in order to sustain the SLNGA.
b) Household Members:
Persons who are under the age of I8 years and unmarried and still staying in the same house
with parents will be considered as household members, however, a separate membership fee
and contribution will be applied to married children.
c) Honorary Members. (see Article – X By-Law Section 1 (d) for detailed information). Such
persons who are of good repute in the local community and have close ties with the Association
are to be considered Honorary members of the SLNGA. A motionfor honorary membership
must be approved by a two third majority vote by the members. Honorary members will not
have any voting rights. Honorary members do not have to pay any fees, however, any
voluntary donation to SLNGA will be gratefully received.